10 Punches for the 10th Month of the Year
October 3, 2018

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The prize is a bundle: Two Autographed books and a special SWAG pack.

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Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce


  1. Jackie Wisherd

    My favorite flower is the lilac. I think because my favorite color is purple and the fact that they grew on my grandparents farm in Colorado and I always loved to see the big blossoms are also reasons. Their smell is wonderful. I rarely see them as they do not grow where I live.

    • Linda Joyce

      The scent of lilac means spring to me. When I lived in Spokane, WA, outside my bedroom window was a HUGE bush. I never knew a bush could smell so sweet.

  2. Karen Mercer

    My favorite flower is the rose. We have several beautiful rose bushes and trees – in red, orange and several shades of pink.

    • Linda Joyce

      I think of my mom when I think of roses. She grew them…and I have a funny story about her and her roses…but that’s for another time.

  3. tammy cordery

    My favorite flower is lilies. I like all the different verities.

    • Linda Joyce

      I love stargazer lilies, however, they now trigger my allergies, so I can have them in the house, just not in the kitchen or my bedroom.

  4. Rhi

    My favorite flower is the lilac. Growing up, there was a lilac tree outside of our backdoor, so in the spring time, we’d just walk outside into this amazing aroma. Just adored that tree and flower.

    • Linda Joyce

      I had a similar experience when I lived in Spokane, WA. Doesn’t the scent just smell like spring?

  5. Amanda T

    I don’t know that I have a favorite flower. Tulips are really pretty and so are lily’s. I really don’t even know what all my choices would be. ‍♀️

  6. Dean Young

    I love roses, my birthday month flower, the colors, the scents, and the lovely petals.

    • Linda Joyce

      Roses…roses are red…so much poetry in a rose.

  7. Shelby Forbes

    My favorite flower is the sunflower. Why? It’s always made me happy. When you look at the flower itself, it starts out dark inside and then radiates color outside. Shows that even if you’re sad… happiness is ready to bust its way out.

    • Linda Joyce

      That’s a beautiful explanation about sunflowers. One of the things I like about the sunflower is that is always lifts its face to the sun. When I lived in Kansas, there were many huge fields of them. Their sweet faces followed the path of the sun, looking east in the morning and west in the evening.

  8. Debra Shutters

    My favorite flower is pink roses it was the first flower that someone special gave to me and that is why it is my favorite.

    • Linda Joyce

      What a lovely memory. Someday, you’ll have to tell me who that someone special is.

  9. Susan Jackson

    Gardenia, big plant outside my bedroom window growing up. Definitely makes me think of the south and love. I can’t get one to grow now for love or money!!

    • Linda Joyce

      I love gardenias, too. We had several bushes doing well, but a freeze a few years back killed them all. Maybe I’ll try one. Just one. And see if it will grow.

  10. Mary

    My favorite flower I have only seen once. It was a lime green rose. I bought the small plant with the beautiful blooms on it. We placed it in the old soap pot that was my husband’s mother’s. The next morning we went outside and deer had eaten every single bloom! It never did bloom again.

    • Linda Joyce

      I’ve never seen a rose that color. OH, the dang deer!
      I’m so sorry.

  11. Jodi W

    My favorite flower is Rose, because i like the scent and red is one of my favorite colors

    • Linda Joyce

      A red, red rose… so poetic those red roses. Makes me think of love…and the thorns remind me of blood.

  12. Kay Garrett

    My favorite flower has to be the hydrangea. When I was young, I called it Granny’s Flower. I have such fond memories of being allowed to pick one flower and what a gorgeous bouquet just that one huge flower made. I loved that it was delicate looking and a gorgeous deep blue. I’ve tried for years to grow them with no success. We have recently moved and now I’m hoping that the soil and light here will be allow me to finally grow some Granny Flowers.

    • Linda Joyce

      I have several small plants, but I had a blue one that was gorgeous. I brought it with me from Kansas to Georgia. Sadly, it just didn’t like it here. I hope you will have wonderful success. They are a gorgeous flower.

  13. Linda Rimer-Como

    My favorite flower is the carnations. I love the different colors and they last quite a while.

    • Linda Joyce

      I think carnations are THE most VERSATILE flower there is. And, they will outlast any other flower in a vase.
      Linda Joyce

  14. Kimberley Thomas

    My favorite flower is red roses

    • Linda Joyce

      Red roses seem to be the winning favorite of those commenting about them. You’re in good company.

  15. Marilyn

    My favorite flower is the Gladiola. The reason is because my late father always gave my twin sister and I a bouquet on our birthday.

    • Linda Joyce

      Your father must have been a wonderful man. I don’t think my father has ever given me flowers. He’s very generous and given me lots of things, but as I ponder…never got flowers.

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