10 Punches for the 10th Month of the Year
October 3, 2018

Here’s the picture you want, if you’re a newsletter subscriber. You MUST follow the rules in Letters from Linda if you are playing to WIN. The newsletter will be sent out tonight with the details on how to play for October.

When you see this picture, if you’re a newsletter subscriber, then you know what to do.

The prize is a bundle: Two Autographed books and a special SWAG pack.

**People, people, people, please understand, I WANT you to play to win. But you have to play by the rules. Leaving a comment that says something like “Thanks for the chance to win” will NOT get your name on the list of those eligible to win. Just sayin’–Follow the rules.


And the GIVEAWAY for November is a KINDLE FIRE, so if you’re seeing this and you’re NOT on the newsletter subscriber list, make sure you click on the newsletter tab on my website and register to be a subscriber.

Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce


  1. Sabrina Cordova

    My favorite flower is the Tiger Lily. When I was 8 – 10 yrs old I lived at a church camp in the San Bernardino mountains of southern California. Tiger lilies grew abundantly and they made me smile, that’s why they are my favorite. It was an amazing part of my life!

    • Linda Joyce


      What a wonderful memory! And mountains in southern CA are fabulous!

  2. Jane

    My favorite flower would be the lily. My mum always would buy them for Easter.

    • Linda Joyce


      The lily certainly is the announcement of SPRING!

  3. Lynn Smith

    my favorite is lilac if that can be considered a flower since it grows on a bush. I always remember growing up my mother always kept some in the house when they bloomed in spring. Every time I smell it, I think of those years.

    • Linda Joyce


      I consider it a flower. So fragrant. I love lilacs.


  4. jean hedrick

    I have 2 favorites iris, the purple color is so pretty and the hibiscus Red ones are my favorite there

    • Linda Joyce

      Two beautiful favorite flowers. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Kari

    My favorite flower is tiger lilys. I love their vibrant colors and how they manage to thrive every year.

  6. Joye I

    My favorite flowers are sweet peas. I love their delicate colors, their smell, and how wonderful they look growing by a fence.

  7. Kai W.

    Lately, I have been looking for purple and red flowers. I just been obsessed with these two colors for my garden. It doesn’t matter what kind of flower, I just want to plant purple and red flowers.

  8. Cindy reifel

    I love so many flowers that I honestly can’t decide, Linda. I guess my favorite genus is orchids. I just love how many types there are.

  9. Yaritza Santana

    I love lavender. Purple is my favorite color and they smell divine. I buy everything such as candles, lotions and even perfume that is lavender.

  10. lori byrd

    My favorite flower is a snapdragon. It reminds me of when I was a little girl and got my big toe almost cut off, my babysitter at that time when out and brought me a bunch of snapdragons in a cup. It has always stayed with me 50 years later.

  11. Stacey A Smith

    I love Daisies they remind my of sun shine.

  12. Catherine Ojalvo

    My favorite flowers are roses.My grandparents grew several varieties and my grandmother always had a base filled with roses in the house.They smelled so good!Before they died they have me a couple of bushes to transplant.Unfortunately,they did not survive.I have planted my own roses but they never seen to smell as good as my grandfather’s rose bushes!

    • Linda Joyce

      I so admire anyone who can grow roses. They are such a temperamental plant. And so many of the varieties today, just don’t have the fragrance–as you have experienced.


  13. Lori R

    I really like stella d’oros because they have a pretty yellow color and they bloom until frost.

    • Linda Joyce


      They are shiny, like you.


  14. Mary Preston

    I do love daisies. They are such a cheerful, unassuming flower.

    I am INT.

    • Linda Joyce

      They are indeed cheerful.

  15. Sue A.

    Poppies hold a special place in my heart; red poppy pins for Remembrance Day as a child. So many varieties and in so many glorious colours. I’d like to find a field of them like you see in a Claude Monet painting someday.

    • Linda Joyce

      Sue A.
      Claude Monet is one of my most favorite artists. I love art museums the best.

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