10 Punches for the 10th Month of the Year
October 3, 2018

Here’s the picture you want, if you’re a newsletter subscriber. You MUST follow the rules in Letters from Linda if you are playing to WIN. The newsletter will be sent out tonight with the details on how to play for October.

When you see this picture, if you’re a newsletter subscriber, then you know what to do.

The prize is a bundle: Two Autographed books and a special SWAG pack.

**People, people, people, please understand, I WANT you to play to win. But you have to play by the rules. Leaving a comment that says something like “Thanks for the chance to win” will NOT get your name on the list of those eligible to win. Just sayin’–Follow the rules.


And the GIVEAWAY for November is a KINDLE FIRE, so if you’re seeing this and you’re NOT on the newsletter subscriber list, make sure you click on the newsletter tab on my website and register to be a subscriber.

Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce


  1. Tina R

    I love purple roses. They’re absolutely beautiful! I’d never seen one until my husband gave a dozen to me for my birthday. My favorite is an orchid color that he gives me for Valentine’s Day and every birthday.

    • Linda Joyce

      I see your comment and it is approved. Thank you for joining in the fun!

  2. nancy wolfe

    Yellow roses are my all time favorite.

  3. Linda Kish

    I like daisies because they are so pure and simple.

  4. Jo Ann Reinhold

    I really don’t have a favorite flower…I find them all beautiful BUT for fragrance it would be night blooming jasmine. They are so tiny and beautiful and SO full of fragrance !

  5. Catrina Pomerleau

    I like white and pink day lilies. The are just so pretty… I chose them as the main flowers in my bridal bouquet many years ago.

    • Linda Joyce


      It had to be a beautiful bouquet.

  6. LisaB

    My favorite flower is the lowly dandelion. Because I am a beekeeper and this is the first flowers of the spring to help feed bees and provide nectar for making honey. So don’t pull up your dandelions! They are pretty and very important to honeybees! lol

    • Linda Joyce


      When I lived in Kansas, we had a 40-acre off the leash park for the dogs near my house. I would take my 3 boys there, Monday through Friday for a run. My little one, the Papillon, wanted to consume every dandelion he found. So, in the spring, I had to keep him on a short leash at the dog park…otherwise, he’d be stuffed!

      Thank you for being a beekeeper. We need the bees!
      Linda Joyce

  7. Myra Yavitch

    My favorite flower is a red rose. When I was a bride 52 years ago my bouquet was many red roses all made as one rose. My husband made me a rose garden.

    • Linda Joyce


      Your bouquet sounds lovely. Red roses, for me, are both so heartwarming and heartbreaking…I’ve had too many funerals in too few years where roses were the casket spray.


  8. Susanna Klein

    My favorite flower is the iris. I think it’s a very elegant flower. My mother had a section in her garden that was all irises in various shades of purple and yellow. When they bloomed I felt that spring had finally arrived.

    • Linda Joyce


      I have irises in my garden. 🙂

      Linda Joyce

  9. Sharon

    I’m not sure if I have a favorite flower because I like them all, but being on facebook gives you daily doses of every flower created. I find I really like the pink Gerbera Daisys. They are so pretty and delicate looking.

    • Linda Joyce


      I think I’m going to try to grow some Gerbera Daisies next year. 🙂


  10. Maritza

    My favorite flower is the Calla Lily I’ve just always loved it’s look

    • Linda Joyce


      The Calla Lily is very regal and elegant. I can understand why you love it.


  11. Carol Smith

    My favorite flower is the wild violet. We use to make chain necklaces
    out of them when we were young. My wedding bouquet was all
    violets. They are growing wild all over our yard.

    • Linda Joyce


      What a sweet memory! Your words sparked my memories of flower necklaces–only mine were dandelions.


  12. Sarah H.

    My favorite flower is a pink carnation. We I was growing up my Great-grandma used to always have pink carnations in a vase on her kitchen table. I loved going to see my grandma and her pretty pink flowers. One of my most favorite memories of her.

    • Linda Joyce

      Sarah H.
      Thank you for sharing such a sweet memory.

      Linda Joyce

  13. Melanie Rosen

    I like Lilacs because they are a pretty color and because they actually smell good. Not all flowers do.

    • Linda Joyce


      I love Lilacs, too. When I lived in Spokane, WA, we had a HUGE bush outside my bedroom window. Sadly, I have never lived somewhere that I could grow them again.


  14. Teresa Christianson

    Purple roses because they are not very common and if someone took the time to get them for me I know they took some effort to find them and they also know that it means more to me than just giving me red roses.

    • Linda Joyce


      I don’t think I’ve ever seen purple roses. I’ll have to look them up.


      • Teresa Christianson

        I don’t see them very often but the ones that I have seen are a light to medium purple. Purple is my favorite color and that is why I like them the most but they are beautiful when they can be found.

  15. Melissa Fowler

    Sunflower! I live in Kansas and my favorite flower is the sunflower.lol I love sunflower seeds too. I’m a Kansas girl.Thank you so much for letting me enter your giveaway.

    • Linda Joyce


      WHERE in Kansas do you live? I used to live in Olathe. I worked in Shawnee Mission. My daughter lives in Topeka. I will be in KC next October for a book signing. Hope you’ll come say Hello!



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