A Sale! A Surprise! And Something More!
March 7, 2019

It’s March. I mean, it’s really March. Where did January and February go? Okay, we all know January is just a trial month to get us used to writing a new number for the year…but February? Gone, too. Not only that, but the first seven days of March are checked off the calendar. Yikes!

My newsletter will be coming out later today. This is the picture to look for in the newsletter–the one that had the information about how to win the March giveaway.

Just a note to let you know, I’ll be finally launching another blog soon. This month, I hope. Fingers crossed. And the rain in Georgia doesn’t carry me away. I’m testing out names for the blog. It will focus on women’s issues.

Happy Reading!

Linda Joyce


  1. Lori R

    1. emails from authors recommending new books and authors, facebook parties, emails from Goodreads, BookBub, and Amazon
    2. The cover, blurb, and genre.
    3. 30

  2. Cindy Reifel

    I find new books thru FB or Amazon Prime free books.
    I read the synopsis, more than anything. I do have to say that, if I don’t like a cover, I won’t get the book.
    I am now on my 5th Kindle &, don’t have a clue how many books are on my kindle. I can’t get rid of the books I have read on my Kindle so, no idea how many I still haven’t read.

  3. Jeana

    I find new author’s through publisher emails, goodreads and word of mouth. I make the decision to try a new author most of the time from a book’s summary/ description. I have hundreds of books on Kindle and iBook. Why? Most were free and I’m convinced I’ll get to them someday even though I just can’t get used to ebooks. I have a hundred or so print books in my to be read pile. Most are rescued from discount stores and I’m slowly making my way through them.

  4. Sunnymay

    I find books at The Friends of the Library book sale, especially when they’re on the First Friday of the Month where a bag of books is $4. BookBub I use slightly, GoodReads I use heavily, FreshFiction I use moderately. I also look at recommendations from different publishers like Powell’s and individual authors and publishers whose newsletters I receive via email. BookTrib is also another source along with BookReporter and ReadingGroupChoices. I tend to get a lot of books for free as ARC’s and from blog contests. I decide on a new author by the recommendations from above and if they’re in a genre I like like Cozy Mysteries, Romantic Suspense and Chick Lit. I have many books in my TBR pile and regularly read books 1-2 a week. Belonging to 2 book clubs offers a chance to discuss books out of my usual range and to hear other POV’s from diverse groups. I’ve had a Kindle Fire Tablet for 2 years and have not figured out how to use, preferring instead to read print books and put my bookmark in until I can get back to it later.

    • Susan Jackson

      What a shame sunnymay that you don’t know how to use your Kindle—I actually bought a new one to take on vacation as I didn’t want to take my IPad. I just taught two friends how to use their kindles and now be afrain=d of messing things up—they are very happy now!! If you were close I could show you also
      Susan Jackson

  5. Kimberly Landry

    1.)I find new authors on OHFB posts on Facebook, my kindle recommends authors on my reading habits, and recommendations on my book clubs on Facebook.
    2.) The cover usually catches my eye first. The blurb helps define my desire. My cousin and I trade books and give each other recommendations. Before we had our kindles, we use to meet a the piggly wiggly parking lot and do a book exchange once a week, it started looking bad , LoL, people were noticing. We once had to explain to a person of authority exactly what we were up to. Needless to say we all had a good laugh.
    3.) I think I just my be a book hoarder. Be my kindle, I had 5 or 6 books in every room of my house, so that I was never without something to read no matter where I was. My husband was greatly irritated with my addiction. Then the amazing kindle came into my life. I could have as many books as my heart desires and my husband did not have to have them underfoot. I read a book a day so I do enjoy finding new author’s.
    My kindle has over 7000 books and I have read about half. My main problem is that I do a lot of rereads because I enjoy the worlds that are created so much. Books are my life! I think I have a problem

  6. Susan Jackson

    1) I find new authors mostly by word of mouth—either from my online bookclub WLM or from my local book club. I also get notices from Goodread, Amazon, friends and authors that I know.
    2) to pick up a book the cover and the side of the book has to pull me in (side like how it is stacked at the library). I tend to pull books that have yellow or blues dust covers. Then I read the intro and if looking at the book online I read reviews. Sexy covers don’t pull me in and I prefer a cover that doesn’t have real people on it unless it is a biography.
    3) I have about 600 on my kindle of which I have read about 400 of them and save them—so not too many—but even worse is I have about 150 books that I haven’t read—we may be moving so I have decided I really need to go thru those and take the ones I have forgotten about or won’t read to the library book stroe—if no one in my book club wants them.

  7. Lacey Waters

    I find new authors on FB, Goodreads, Amazon suggestions and in newsletters from authors I already know. I decide to buy from a new authors based on the blurb and if I like that, I’ll read the first few pages of the book to see if I enjoy the writing style. I often buy books I don’t read right away. I don’t keep track of it so I don’t know how many I own right now. My main reasons for doing this is either purchasing a free or .99 book to see if I want more, or I come into some spending money and just go down my tbr for as many as I can afford at that time. As I finish a book on my Paperwhite and want to read another I scroll through my library until I see one that fits my mood.

  8. Karen Mercer

    I find new authors from my family, friends and Goodreads. I’ll try a new author if it’s a genre I enjoy. I probably have 10 unread books on my Kindle. I enjoy sharing books with my family and friends. We have very similar tastes so I find new authors and books to enjoy.

  9. Candy Smith

    Hey hun! I can’t believe we’ve in March already and Mardi Gras has past! The year seems to be flying by and stores don’t help when Walmart puts out bathing suits and Easter stuff while also selling King Cakes! I often find new authors through bookstagram, facebook, blog posts andsometimes from other authors’ newletters. If I find a book cover or book blurb interesting ,I’ll check out the author and their books on Goodreads and Amazon and if I find it’s my cup of tea I’ll give the author and book a try. Also when my besties and I get together we tell each other about books we’ve been reading and usually borrow each other’s books.

    • Kari

      I usually find new authors through newsletters or bookbub sales. If a book is less expensive I am more willing to try it and see if I like their writing.

      Book covers draw my attention but it is the blurb that helps me decide if I want to purchase it or not.

      I have quite a few unread books as I buy them when they are on sale but I read a lot and do work my way through them.
      Hope you have a great month!

  10. Tannie Lowe

    Hi. I really like your card’s. I check out new authors on Amazon, Goodreads & Bookbub but it’s the cover & the book blurb or the first chapter that will hook me into the book that will make me want to read it.

  11. Mary Preston

    WOM is my usual way of finding new authors and books.

    My daughter will recommend books especially and challenge me to read out of my comfort zone.

    I am not sure how many unread books I have, but the number would be in the 10’s not thousands.

  12. Jane

    I found the picture above that’s the same as your email giveaway. I really hope I am doing this correctly because I have never won one of your giveaways yet. Maybe because I’m doing something wrong. Lol. I usually find new authors from word of mouth or if there is a deal on bookbub and I like the blurb. Even though it’s the front cover that draws me to the book, if I don’t like the blurb then I won’t purchase the book. I have thousands of unread books on my nook, kindle and iPad. It’s ridiculous, I need to start weeding through them and getting rid of the ones I will never get around to reading but I’m a book hoarder, same way with actual physical print books. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity. ❤️

    • Linda Joyce

      You are joining in perfectly. Thank you for your continued support.
      As for winning…I wish I could do more… Winners are selected randomly. I make a spreadsheet starting with the time each person posts and each person is assigned a number. Then I go to Random.org and have the computer pick a number. There have been several months where the winner never contacts me. Last year, there was one month when I had three months backed up because no one claimed their prize. All to say, keep tuning in.
      Also, on my author FB page & Twitter page, I sometimes do giveaways there. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaJoyceAuthor
      Twitter: @LJWriter https://twitter.com/LJWriter

      Fireworks in Jubilee will be releasing in June. There will be giveaways connected to that release. You can check on those at Jubilee, Georgia: https://www.facebook.com/jubileegeorgia/



  13. Jo Ann Hunter

    #1 I find new authors through bookbub, or a reference from an author I already read.
    #2 I don’t choose a new author per say, if I find the book is a topic I’m interested in, or I like the cover. Yes I do judge a book by it’s cover.
    #3 I have probably several hundred unread books. I do intend to read them. It’s just a slow process, although u did read 112 books last year.

  14. Nancy Burgess

    I usually find books by friends suggestions,newsletters or see posts on Facebook.
    I check the blurbs if I’m looking for a new author.
    I have quit a few books not read a lot are free books I haven’t gotten to. I usually read 4 or 5 books a week sometimes more.

  15. Susan Jackson

    Anew blog—are you putting to much on yourself? Can’t wait for the newsletter!

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