August: I’m going to pick you up!
August 1, 2018

August Giveaway is a Samsonite tote and seven other special surprises

Hey there! Can you believe August is here? And I couldn’t resist the pun of “picking you up” and the giveaway being a tote bag. You know, you pick stuff up and carry it in the tote. Okay, I’m a nerd. We all know it now. LOL And yet, we’re still friends.

I love reading your comments in the blog. I do try to answer every single one because your words are important to me. And thank you so much for those who drop me a note via email and let me know what’s going on in your world. I like hearing the laughs and the tears that make up life. And as Eloisa  James told me, “Romance teaches us about life.”

Please help me spread the word about LETTERS from Linda and invite your friends to sign up, right here at my website.

The August newsletter is about to be sent out. I can’t wait to read all of your comments for August.

I’m very excited about this month’s giveaway. I love surprises. Do you? If you’re a newsletter subscriber, then you know where to find the instructions about how to win this brand new Samsonite tote bag and seven other surprise items. It will be like Christmas comes to you. Only in August. Well, September because that’s when the winner is announced. But you know that already because you’re a faithful subscriber.

And see the puppy in the picture? He was a gift from Susan Jackson. I’ve been calling him Puppy. She refers to him as Puppy. But I think it’s time he gets a name–maybe that will be the game for the giveaway for September.

I’m so enjoying The Summer Girls by Mary Alice Monroe. I’m on the third and final book of the trilogy. And as we are moving to the end of summer, so is the book. I can’t wait to find out what Dora, Carson, and Harper have in store for their darling grandmother.

Thank you for your continued support.

And stay tuned for more news about Christmas in Jubilee.

Happy Reading,

Linda Joyce

Check out my books at HERE


  1. Audrey Stewart

    That puppy is so cute!

  2. Audrey Stewart

    I love that puppy!

  3. lisa burton

    One of my favorite quotes if from The adventures of Thelma thistle by Joyce Crawford. My favorite quote is “ Thelma loved to spend time with her mother. They would laugh and play and share happy times together. They were good friends most of the time. Sometime her mother said no, Thelma that is not good for little thistles” I like this quote because I do a lot of things with my mom and sometimes even though I’m an adult she still has to tell me no sometimes. But I still love her .

    • Linda Joyce

      I don’t think we’re ever to old to have someone who loves us tell us “no” or at least caution us about a decision we’re making. And I know you love your mom. 🙂


    • Linda Joyce


      You are a gem! Thank you for all the support.


  4. Audrey Stewart

    “Just remember: If one bird carried every grain of sand, grain by grain, across the ocean, by the time he got them all on the other side, that would only be the beginning of eternity. ” Truman Capote

    • Linda Joyce


      That is a FABULOUS quote!
      Thank you for sharing. <3



    Laugh until your belly hurts – Winnie the Pooh

    • Linda Joyce


      I love Winnie the Pooh! Great quote.
      Did you know that I’ve seen the statue of the true original Winnie? Do you know why his name is Winnie? It’s because he came from Winnipeg, Ontario. He was the mascot for a group of Canadian pilots sent to London during WWI.


  6. Jo Ann

    I love to read and devour books and can remember plot…characters and story lines for many YEARS but I can never remember quotes…books, movies…nada….So leaving my favorite quote is impossible…but I did want to let you know I am here 🙂

    • Linda Joyce

      Jo Ann,

      It’s ALWAYS nice to hear from you. 🙂
      Quick, grab a book and find a line you like.
      And with your wild ride, relocation, and revelry in New York–you’ve had a lot on your plate.



  7. Burma Turner

    “The only quiet woman is a dead woman. ” Sylvia Plath
    I don’t really believe this, it just jumped out at me! Thanks for the chance

    • Linda Joyce


      I’ve not heard that quote before. Thanks for sharing. And I would believe the quote if it had come from a man. LOL

  8. Susan P

    “Don’t cry because it is over. Smile because it happened!” Dr. Seuss

    • Linda Joyce


      Great quote! Thank you for sharing.

  9. lori byrd

    I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. From Strangers by Dean Koontz is what sticks out. Actually Watchers by Dean Koontz is my favorite book ever written. The best.
    Thank you Linda!

    • Linda Joyce


      Love this!

      The repeated phrase of “I’m scared” is a wonderful use of a rhetorical device called Epistrophe. I’ve been studing rhetorical devices this year and really trying to up my writing with things like this. Since you like Dean Koontz, do you also read Harlan Corban?


  10. Ruza Rebel

    Who doesn’t love a cute puppy! 😀
    I love the pink bag, and surprises are always nice. Enjoy the rest of your Summer. 😀

    • Linda Joyce


      The puppy is very dear to me. When he was first given to me, he made me cry because he reminded me so much of General Beauregard, the last of our 3 dogs to pass away in January. But, grief is lighter now. I love seeing the puppy in my chair.

      Linda Joyce

  11. Cassandra D

    “Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” Horseradish by Lemony Snicket.

    • Linda Joyce

      Love the quote! A few years back, my niece introduced me to Lemony Snicket. 🙂


  12. Shirley Cochran

    Howdy Miss Linda. Been busy doing mediations for our County Auditor about the tax value of people’s homes and it is so rewarding to be able to help them get their value better to fit the condition of their home. Still looking to move to a ranch up around where are families are (northeastern Ohio) and get rid of this bi-level with all the steps I can’t seem to handle. Interesting weather today–cloudy but bight and only 81 degrees at 2 PM. Hope all is well with you and that knowing we are out here thinking good thoughts of you will “pick you up”!

    • Linda Joyce

      Miss Shirley,

      I understand about steps. My friend, neighbor, and author Rachel Jones is moving for that same reason–no steps. I used to have my office upstairs, thusly, I ran up and down the stairs at least 10 times a day. That was my exercise. Now, I have to get out and walk… My body likes it. My brain does not.

      Thank you for thinking good thoughts for me. Hugs.

      All my best,

  13. Krishnan SSG

    The most important virtue to succeed in life is self-control. Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill.

    • Linda Joyce

      I’m not familiar with Napoleon Hill. I’ll look him up. Thanks for joining in the fun and leaving a quote.


  14. Jackie Rod

    The most poignant first sentence is from The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers, “In the town there were two mutes, and they were always together.”
    Of course, they were always together, because they were probably ostracized by the town. I taught Psychology for thirty one years, and this sentence tells the reader volumes about the characters and the story to come.

    • Linda Joyce


      What an interesting quote. And I agree, it tells so much about the characters.
      Thank you for sharing the quote with us.


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