Christmas Present

Christmas Present

A Junction, Georgia Story

First story in the Junction, GA anthology

Pottery artist Chelsea Cooper meets celebrity chef Zachary Tanner. Chemistry sparks. But Christmases past are memories. Future Christmases look bleak. Will Chelsea recognize the only Christmas that counts is Christmas present?

Celebrity chef Zachary Tanner might be new to Junction, Georgia, new to having family, however, since his mother died, he’s not new to living life in the present. When he first meets Chelsea, he’s drawn to her and each encounter afterward confirms the attraction is growing into something special…if only she’ll let it.

Will Chelsea share this Christmas with him?

SERIES:  Junction Georgia

GENRE:  Contemporary Women’s Romance

PUBLISH DATE:  12/2022

What My Readers Are Saying

A true treasure. A tiny book that is HUGE! Filled with life lessons both small and LARGE. It is not only a Christmas Present but a life lesson filled with Love. Linda Joyce is such a clean and clear author, it is a joy to discover her work and what will come next. Treat yourself to her talent with words.

Love this story, through I cried through alot of it. Alzheimer has touched my family twice. This story was very well done, thought out and showed how three people in the same situation have different approaches to how it should be handled. I enjoyed that this was a sweet, clean romance. Well done Linda Joyce, well done indeed.