December, remember? The Kindle Winner is…
December 10, 2018

I apologize for being late with December’s Letters from Linda. It’s been a heck of  month and today is only the 10th. Whew! I hope after today, I can settle into the holiday season, relax, and enjoy, what is for me, the most stressful time of the year. Fingers crossed–this year will be different. I’m certainly working at making the life I want–limited stress and no drama. And full of love.

Yes, someone did win the Kindle–their name will be in the newsletter. And I hope I hear from the winner so I can get in the mail and that person will have it for all the after Christmas book sales!

If you’re a newsletter subscriber and you’re seeing this picture, you’ll know what to do to enter the January giveaway as soon as my December newsletter hits your email…which should be later this evening.

Wishing all a jolly holly holiday. May your days be bright and your nights merry.

Blessings to all,

Linda Joyce





  1. Maritza

    My advice to my 12 year old self would be ” do not start smoking” it’s a hard habit to break and not good for your health. Will cause a spontaneous lung collapse when your 32.

  2. Margaret McGovern

    To my 16yo self I’d say don’t rush growing up & life passes by much to quickly. Also, to love and enjoy the time you have with friends and family. At 61 I miss those that have passed and didn’t get to spend the time I should have with them.

  3. Jodi Wresh

    I would tell my 40 year old self to fight for your rights and stand up for yourself and not take any guff from anyone. Circumstances would be a lot better for me now if I did.

  4. Kay Garrett

    The advice I would give my younger self would be to think of yourself as #1. I don’t mean that as ‘I’ am all important or up on a pedestal, but rather don’t let fashion, peers or circumstances to dictate who you are. I think I would go by the motto – Be yourself – an original is more valuable than a copy. It took years for me to recognize that yes I’m not perfect, I’ll never fit in a size 2 and that I am intelligent and purposeful just the way I am. I don’t have to change to fit in or be someone else’s standards. Life would have been so much simpler if I had learned that a a much younger age.

  5. Karen Mercer

    I would tell my young self not to worry so much and enjoy your youth. Everything will be good.

  6. Dusty Summerford

    I would tell my 18 year old self to go ahead and make those mistakes because every mistake and every bad choice will send you on a journey that will make you appreciate every single thing about life. ❤

  7. Mary Preston

    The advice I would give my thirteen-year-old self is to just enjoy your teen years. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up.

  8. Shirley Cochran

    My advice to my 26 year old self is to not take myself so seriously just because I passed the bar exam.

  9. Mary Mooney

    What I would tell my younger, 18 year old, self is to retake that entry exam for the U.S. Marine Corps and pass it. It’s the biggest regret I have in my life. I missed the passing score by 1/2 a point and never went back to take it again.

  10. Jenny Chlipala

    What I would tell my 13 year old self… don’t worry about the haters (they’ll always be there). Instead, focus on doing your best

  11. Tina Myers

    What I would tell my younger 12 year old. Relax your going to be fine in your new school and meet new friends..

  12. Kim Hansen

    What I would tell my younger self. Use protection when having sex, don’t marry and see the world first.

  13. Sharon


    When does your newsletter come out? I know I signed up awhile back for pretty much everything but I haven’t seen any newsletters yet, unless they are spamming them which wouldn’t surprise me. Please let me know. Thanks much.

    • Kimberly Landry

      What would I tell my younger self at age 17: no matter what your dad says to you, you are more and life is will be wonderful without him being a part of it.

  14. Sharon Jesse

    When does your newsletter come out. I know I signed up for it but I don’t remember seeing anything.

  15. Susan Jackson

    Love the picture of your puppy with the Christmas book—he doesn’t look like that anymore!!

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