December, remember? The Kindle Winner is…
December 10, 2018

I apologize for being late with December’s Letters from Linda. It’s been a heck of  month and today is only the 10th. Whew! I hope after today, I can settle into the holiday season, relax, and enjoy, what is for me, the most stressful time of the year. Fingers crossed–this year will be different. I’m certainly working at making the life I want–limited stress and no drama. And full of love.

Yes, someone did win the Kindle–their name will be in the newsletter. And I hope I hear from the winner so I can get in the mail and that person will have it for all the after Christmas book sales!

If you’re a newsletter subscriber and you’re seeing this picture, you’ll know what to do to enter the January giveaway as soon as my December newsletter hits your email…which should be later this evening.

Wishing all a jolly holly holiday. May your days be bright and your nights merry.

Blessings to all,

Linda Joyce





  1. Linda Herold

    My advice to my teenage self would be not to stress over grades!

  2. lori byrd

    I would tell my 12 year old self to never start smoking. and to stay in shape.

    • lori johannes

      name is lori Johannes now. sorry

  3. Lisa Burdette

    I would tell my younger self at 15 to not be so self destructive. Things will get better. And to buy lots of Microsoft and Apple stock

  4. Shelia Hall

    my advice to younger self is get a college degree and have a longer relationship before marriage and have a child before you are 30

  5. Linda Fast

    I would tell my younger self to spread my wings and take the opportunities given to me instead of playing it safe and staying home in my small town.

  6. Susan P

    Advice to my 13 year old self and probably all 13 year old girls out there! Boys aren’t that important – have fun and enjoy life first. Boys can wait until you are out of high school.

  7. Kimberly Landry

    What would I tell my younger self at age 15: Doctors don’t know everything! You will give birth to a sweet baby girl!

  8. Katrina Dehart

    I would tell my teenage self to have more fun and to not be so shy.

  9. Shelby Forbes

    What advice would I tell my younger self? Do what makes YOU happy. YOU are never going to please everyone and by trying… YOU won’t be happy.

  10. Nicole Watson

    What I would tell my younger self is you’re smarter than you can imagine.

  11. Cassandra Hyden

    I would tell my younger self at 18 to wait don’t marry the first guy who asked you and to go to college and live life first there will be time for all the rest later.

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