June 15, 2024

Thank you for stopping in and taking a look around. Please feel free to hop over to the Contact page and leave me a message with your thoughts about the style, design, and feel of what you’re seeing here. Let’s stay in touch!

I sat and pondered about what to say in my first blog post after being away for far too long. I wanted to write something upbeat and inspiring. You’ll have to let me know if I managed to hit the bullet points of my goal.

The world is a different place since my last full-length novel was published. Now time is marked in different ways. We speak in terms of “Before Covid” or “After Covid.” After Covid: Housing prices went up. The numbers of city dwellers declined. Office space in “star cities,” like New York City and San Francisco, is cheap. Before Covid: Masks were prohibited in places like banks, frowned upon at grocery stores, and retail shops. During Covid, we went through a period where masking-up was required for us to enter anywhere. And yes, people died from the virus.

Yet, through those heartbreaking situations arose a heartwarming outcry of people helping people. A measure of what felt like lost humanity returned. My wish is for us to be even more patient and kind with each other in our actions and our words. No one knows the full extent of what’s happening within someone’s internal landscape, and therefore, let’s error on the side of smiling and sharing a greater generosity of spirit.

The pandemic, along with dealing with long-term grief, has given me a different perspective. I am grateful to have hot running water at home with the turn of a faucet, a comfortable bed to share with my husband, tasty food in the refrigerator, good health, and abundant love from my sweet puppies: Jake, Max, and Sugar.

I consider myself a wealthy woman because I also have a community of writers and readers with whom I share a love of words and story. And I have truly fallen back in love with writing again.

I hope you’ll join me on the relaunch of my journey. Each new adventure begins with a first step. The new website is the first BIG visual. I hope to delight and surprise you with more.

Keep smiling, Linda Joyce


  1. Rick Brown

    this is a comment

    • Rick Brown

      Thanks Rick

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