January 2017 –LETTERS from Linda– What’s your resolution?
January 4, 2017

LETTERS from Linda


If you’re a subscriber to Linda’s Lovelies and want to be one of THREE winners of the trilogy of Fleur de Lis Brides books: BRANNA, BILOXI, and CAMILLA, then you know what to do.

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Happy Reading!
Linda Joyce


  1. Rachael Clemons

    Mine is to worry less.

  2. Penel j Smith

    I want to become more joyful and more compassionate.

  3. clynsg

    I stopped making resolutions years ago–I could never seem to fulfill them, at least not to my satisfaction.

  4. Donna Newman

    I’m going to not stress so much and enjoy this year , and eat healthier (or try too ) .

  5. Janet Senk

    I lost 20 lbs. in 2016, and plan to lose more this year. Going to try and go to gym more each week to help me; I just have to get over being shy and working out in front of people, even though the gym is cool and no one cares. Ha.

  6. Kari Gillespie

    It’s not really a resolution however last year was so busy and I am trying to slow down a little this year

  7. Michelle Ferrari-Johnson

    2016 was very hard on our family. 2017 has already begun to outshine last year. Resolutions I don’t really make as I am old…er…..and don’t fly a fig in regards to impressing people. I read all of the time as I am injured (blah, blah part) and I remain slightly sane by diving into books. I am new to you but looking forward to exploring your world~

  8. Joann Hunter

    I don’t make resolutions, as I don’t tend to keep them. If I choose to do something, I do it regardless of the time of year.

  9. Valerie Miller

    My resolution is to pay off another 2 bills in 2017 like I did in 2016. I also want to try to eat a little healthier and exercise a little more.

  10. maritza baez

    I’m going to do more cooking instead of eating processed foods

  11. Terry Poage

    I didn’t make any New Years Resolutions, I never do. I just hope that it is a better year than last year.

  12. Cheri Madison

    I’m going to learn to drive my 4WD truck!

  13. Sharon Guagliardo

    I really don’t have any resolutions. I would like to lose some weight. And I want to read more. That’s about it.

  14. Colleen C.

    I am going to read as much as I can! 😀

  15. Danyelle Wadsworth

    My resolution at least one of them was to eat healthier and try to loose weight.
    Thanks for the opportunity at the giveaway!

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