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Happy Reading!
Linda Joyce
Mine is to worry less.
I want to become more joyful and more compassionate.
I stopped making resolutions years ago–I could never seem to fulfill them, at least not to my satisfaction.
I’m going to not stress so much and enjoy this year , and eat healthier (or try too ) .
I lost 20 lbs. in 2016, and plan to lose more this year. Going to try and go to gym more each week to help me; I just have to get over being shy and working out in front of people, even though the gym is cool and no one cares. Ha.
It’s not really a resolution however last year was so busy and I am trying to slow down a little this year
2016 was very hard on our family. 2017 has already begun to outshine last year. Resolutions I don’t really make as I am old…er…..and don’t fly a fig in regards to impressing people. I read all of the time as I am injured (blah, blah part) and I remain slightly sane by diving into books. I am new to you but looking forward to exploring your world~
I don’t make resolutions, as I don’t tend to keep them. If I choose to do something, I do it regardless of the time of year.
My resolution is to pay off another 2 bills in 2017 like I did in 2016. I also want to try to eat a little healthier and exercise a little more.
I’m going to do more cooking instead of eating processed foods
I didn’t make any New Years Resolutions, I never do. I just hope that it is a better year than last year.
I’m going to learn to drive my 4WD truck!
I really don’t have any resolutions. I would like to lose some weight. And I want to read more. That’s about it.
I am going to read as much as I can! 😀
My resolution at least one of them was to eat healthier and try to loose weight.
Thanks for the opportunity at the giveaway!