January 2017 –LETTERS from Linda– What’s your resolution?
January 4, 2017

LETTERS from Linda


If you’re a subscriber to Linda’s Lovelies and want to be one of THREE winners of the trilogy of Fleur de Lis Brides books: BRANNA, BILOXI, and CAMILLA, then you know what to do.

If you’re not a subscriber and want to get in on the SWEEPSTAKES, then send an email to lindajoycebooks@gmail.com to sign up for my newsletter.


Happy Reading!
Linda Joyce


  1. Ligia Booth

    I’m going to try and cook more. I hate the kitchen and cooking.

  2. Amanda

    My 1 & only resolution this year is to get my kids healthier. Games have Games way to important to them, & they’ve forgotten how to play in real life. So I’ve gotta be mean mommy & nix the media time & increase the outside play time.

  3. Julie Sauer

    My resolution is to get to the game gym on a regular basis to help get my strength back

  4. Winnie Kowalski

    Make more time for family and friends.

  5. Yaritza Santana

    I would like to start a Masters program, eat healthier and read 200 books.


    I resolve to work on Healing my body, mind, spirit and to Create Not Consume. Thanks for this Chance. Good Luck to All! Love & Peace, 🙂

  7. Marion

    My resolution is to continue learning the violin. Thank you for this generous giveaway. Have a blessed New Year.

  8. Joan

    My resolution is o get back to my genealogy. Have a Happy New Year. Thanks for the opportunity to win these lovely books.

  9. K'Tee Bee

    My resolution was to try to focus on doing fun things and less on work things. Life is too short to just work. I need to spend more time with family & friends.

  10. Marilyn

    My New Years revolution is to learn to sew. Thanks for the giveaway. Wishing you and yours a blessed,healthy and happy 2017.

  11. Courtney Kinder

    My Resolution this year is to save money to buy a new car. Thanks for the chance!

    • Linda Joyce

      Hey there! You’re one of the 3 winners from the January LETTERS from Linda giveaway. I’m sending you an email. Please confirm your email address and I’ll send the trilogy of eBooks of the Fleur de Lis Brides. Congrats!!
      Linda Joyce

  12. Nancy Burgess

    I’m going to take more time for reading and eat healthier.


    I have resolved to be more compassionate to people around me

  14. Jackie

    Resolution for 2017. Try to eat healthier

  15. Barbara Hackel

    Linda, I am not a resolution maker. I do try to sit down at the end of the year and write a list of things that disappointed me, or things I thought I should have handled better. Funny how the first 9 months of the year is usually forgotten. Was it perfect? Was I perfect? Hahahaha not at all! I guess that time just has a way of soothing and healing issues. Anyway, this year I decided to change my method, and have promised myself (kinda like a resolution) that monthly I would make my list of “complaints” and then my list of ways I could improve things. Maybe by making a monthly list I will make some long overdue changes for the better. And isn’t that what we all want for the new year anyway?
    Happy New Year to all. May 2017 be a wonderful year.

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