January 2017 –LETTERS from Linda– What’s your resolution?
January 4, 2017

LETTERS from Linda


If you’re a subscriber to Linda’s Lovelies and want to be one of THREE winners of the trilogy of Fleur de Lis Brides books: BRANNA, BILOXI, and CAMILLA, then you know what to do.

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Happy Reading!
Linda Joyce


  1. Carol Hicks

    To be more gentle & forgiving with others.

  2. Cassandra D.

    To work out more.

  3. Brenda Lewis

    I resolve to earn an A in Classical Mythology.

  4. Lori

    I stopped making resolutions because I can’t seem to follow through. But my hope for 2017 is to make better choices to becoming healthier.

  5. Jean White

    My main resolution is to be healthier this year. I will make Dr appointments and actually go to them. I will eat more vegetables and less chocolate and I will read less and walk more.

  6. Rebecca Foley

    I am hoping to find a new job as I lost mine in 2016 due to several surgeries.

  7. Margaret Appel

    My resolution is not to make any! If I don’t make any then I don’t break them 🙂 Instead, I’ll just make small changes thru the year and hopefully some of them will stick, like drinking more water 🙂

  8. Bonny B

    To fight (my end 2016 year)diagnosis of MS… I lost my fiancee because of this diagnosis. He didn’t think he could survive another wife dying before him. (His previous wife died if breast cancer) But, I am not giving up on him or my MS diagnosis. I will fight and win!!!

    • Linda Joyce

      Bonny! Hey there! You’re one of the THREE winners from my January newsletter giveaway! I’m sending you an email to confirm the address where I can send you books.

      Linda Joyce

  9. Judy Pina

    My resolution is to try to pay off as much debt as I can. I would like to pay off my house this year.

  10. desiree

    welll it to stay out of hsotal and then i am going to keep off 150 i lost and try to increase the 4 up and down to 6 up and 6 back dalily and then get more books done

  11. Katie Lahey

    I’m not a big one for resolutions because I usually don’t keep them, however, recently I realized that I need to stop always looking at the future and start living more in the present (there’s a lot that is missed if you don’t stop & look sometimes). So, with that in mind, I have challenged myself to find at least one good thing each day to be grateful for and enjoy those moments.

  12. Mary Preston

    I want to step out of my comfort zone more. I like my rut far too much.

  13. Chelsea Hackert

    My resolution, to lose some more weight and get into shape

  14. Crystal Benedict

    Mine isn’t so much of a resolution as a hope. I wish for no more heartache this year. I lost my husband in May of 2016 and my Mom broke her hip less then two weeks later. So less heartache this year is my wish. No more horrible things.

  15. Elaine Folger

    My resolution is to be more patient witth others. I’m working on that one. I also want to be more careful what I eat. I’m trying to eat healthy.

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