Jumpin’ in June!
June 6, 2018

I feel as though 2018 is running through my fingers like tiny grains of sand on the beach. Can you believe it’s JUNE?

I’m really excited about this month’s giveaway! I was unable to attend a reader’s luncheon, so I have lots of different types of goodies along with some books to giveaway. I love good surprises, don’t you? I can’t wait to pick a winner and find out how they love their prize. *Sigh* Another lesson in patience for me.

You must signed up on the newsletter list to be edible to win. And you must follow the instructions only found in my newsletter in order to enter to win. So… if you’re reading this and you’re not signed up for my newsletter, better do it now. Flip over to the newsletter tab, here at my website, and sign up!

The June Newsletter will launch in a few hours.

Oh, I thought I’d add, I’m reading Eloisa James and starting on a book by Kazuo Ishiguro. Have you read Never Let Me Go?

Happy Reading!


P.S. I’d love to hear from you. What are you reading? What new author have you discovered recently?





  1. Lori R

    When I was away at college my mom made a beautiful needlepoint pillow for me in beautiful shades of green and cream. I was so surprised because my mom worked full time and was so busy I couldn’t believe she had time to make the pillow and surprise me with it on Christmas day. I will always treasure it.

    • Linda Joyce


      Your mom is precious. To make a needlepoint pillow. What’s even more endearing is that you, as a college student, appreciated it so much. What a testament to the wonderful heart you have.


  2. Linda Romer

    My daughter gave me a kitchen aid stand mixer for Christmas one year. I always wanted one and thought they were to expensive, I love it and was very surprised. Thank you

    • Linda Joyce


      What a wonderful daughter you have! My next thought was: What are you going to make me? LOL



  3. Susan Jackson

    A big surprise I had came three years after I left Germany. I had a box in the closet that was wrapped, a going away gift, that I hadn’t opened. Finally I opened it and it was a beautiful statue of a Beluga Whale—I could have been enjoying it all this time—wish I could post a picture here but can’t figure it out.

    • Linda Joyce


      I’ll bet the whale is beautiful. What a sweet story. Though I bet the person who gave you the gift kept wondering if you liked it. lol


  4. Tina Myers

    When I was 12 I got a yellow 10 speed bike. I loved that bike. I went everywhere with my friends. Left in the morning got home before dark. We didn’t have cell phones when I was 12 but we had the sun to let us know when to get home!! 🙂

    • Linda Joyce


      That’s the truth! We told time by the sun. Thank you for sharing your story. I can see you zipping around on your bike. FUN TIMES!



  5. Shirley Cochran

    My biggest surprise was when I got my engagement ring from my hubby of over 35 years. We were on our way to our pre-Cana day as required by the Catholic Church and as usual, he was late meeting me. He got in the car and said said something like you should probably have this and handed me the ring! I put it on–a little big and took it off. Was not able to really look at it until we were done. Still love it and the matching wedding band.

  6. Kari

    My husband brought me home a Michael Kors purse for no reason. He knows that I am way to cheap to buy one for myself!

    • Linda Joyce


      Wonderful hubby you have there! But is there something you do pamper yourself with?

      I love purses. When I go into a store and the sales person asks: May I help you find something?
      I reply: No thank you. I’ll look until I fall in love.


  7. Nancy Luebke

    My hubby of 44 years surprises me all the time, sometimes he makes things or does little things that are fun like making a heart shaped pizza one valentine’s. But I’m even more surprised by the generousity of authors. Sure we know about the free books and why, but there are lots of little extra’s. Sometimes it just feels like having an extra Christmas. I want to take this opportunity to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I’m a big reader and I live on a disability now. I’ve reached the halfway mark for my 140 book challenge on Goodreads. I’ve been opened up to so many new authors like you. My limited amount that I can spend wouldn’t go far without winning books and finding all these great new authors.

    • Linda Joyce


      That hubby of yours–he’s a keeper. <3
      And what a sweet thing to say about authors. I appreciate that you understand that we all work so hard. Hours and hours alone (okay, not really alone because we're surrounded by characters talking to and with us all the time). And we want readers to connect with our characters, with our stories.

      140 Books! That's amazing!!!

      Happy Reading!


  8. Saundra McKenzie

    My son is a 40 and works two jobs so I don’t see him often. He missed Mother’s Day and surprised me Saturday with a Pink Yeti cup and took me out to dinner.

    • Linda Joyce


      Thoughtful son you have. I’m sure spending time with him was the best treat of all.


  9. Ruza Rebel

    My biggest surprise was for my 40th birthday. My flew me to Nashville to see Rascal Flatts in concert. We flew in, had a lovely dinner and saw the concert, and flew back home the next day.

  10. Cheryl Nichols

    My boyfriend got me a duck ! I called him peepers . Later he got a new home on a farm .. and same guy dressed up as a gorilla to send me off to Spain .

  11. Jackie Wisherd

    A gift that caught me totally by surprise was a cruise paid for by my sister and brother-in-law. It was greatand very much a surprise.

    • Linda Joyce


      Do your sister and bro-in-law want to adopt me? LOL What a wonderful gift.


  12. Brooke Showalter

    I am reading Confessions of a Red Herring by Dana Dratch.
    (I tried subscribing to your blog multiple times, and I keep getting the same error: There was an error when subscribing. Please try again.)

    • Linda Joyce

      I’m sorry that you’re not able to subscribe to the blog. I’m not sure why, but I’ll check with my webmaster to see if she has any ideas.

      Thank you,

      Linda Joyce

  13. Carol Smith

    I am reading Maeve by Josie Riviera. Is is part of the Perfect Match Series.
    The surprise packages that I have received from you have been exciting,
    unexpected and seem to come at a time when I am suffering from my
    sciatica or a migraine. They a my happy packages. Love the beads &
    yummy chocolate candy treats. Thanks for helping put some sunshine in
    my days.

    • Linda Joyce


      Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for all your support.


  14. kim charlton

    I just finished The Real Michael Swann, and have yet to start another book because I have to get my garden in!! Thenh my daughter goes and brings home 2 Pekin ducks!! Lol..we built a real crappy looking pen for them until we have more time this weekend..who knows..they might end up in my bath tub at night!

    • kim charlton

      And I think the ducks were a huge surprise!! I used to have them a long time ago…kind of a belated mother’s Day present from her!

    • Linda Joyce

      Ducks in the tub. Almost a rhyme. Almost. I have a friend in Kansas who has Alpacas, Llamas, Chickens, and Ducks. Ducks, Funny creatures, but the eggs are good.


  15. Shirley Cochran

    Started the Dreamwalker Mystery series a while ago. These are by Maggie Toussaint and I find them intriguing and fun to read. The fifth one, Confound It was just released but it is best if you start with the first–Gone and Dune It, then Bubba Done It, Doggone It, and Dadgummit. I just received my copy today and will get into it when I finish the ARC I am reading.

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