The June Giveaway is the Fleur de Lis Pillow. I always love finding some unique giveaway related to my writing because it makes a special connection between us. For June, something for decoration. Something for back support when you read. Something to hold in your lap and rest your book/eReader on as you read. How can you win?
The secret: Sign up for my newsletter, right her at my website! HERE
The instructions on how to win the June Giveaway (there will be lagniappe included) will be in the newsletter. Be sure to sign up at my website for the newsletter and also, make sure you’re following this blog.
The June newsletter will come out Saturday!
All my best,
Linda Joyce
My grandmother was a force to be reckoned with. My grandfather was a pastor of a Salvation Army church. She played the piano and sang. I started playing the piano when I was 6 years old because of her. She took us to summer camp at the Salvation Army camp, where we did projects, hiked, swam, learned the word of God. She made the best macaroni and cheese of anyone I know. My favorite food all these years later. Just so many memories. I miss her.
What sweet memories!
Thank you for sharing,
Linda Joyce
I have fond memories of spending the night at my Grandma’s house… we’d have a small dish of vanilla ice cream and play cards while watching the baseball game on tv.
What a nice memory. What kind of cards did you play?
Linda Joyce
My grandmother was a great cook. She always welcomed anyone that wanted to come on Thanksgiving. She and my aunt took me on their Saturday shopping trips when I was a kid. It was always an all day event and I enjoyed the time with them. She was a little bashful, but she was kind to everyone.
Shopping trips! There’s so much children absorb from those kinds of fun outtings.
Linda Joyce
My paternal grandma was Norwegian. She was very kind. She played her pump organ with everyone singing. I wish I had her pump organ. She had my brother & me on the farm for 2 weeks every summer. She started teaching me to do Swedish massage when I was 4 years old. She added to her lessons (which were practiced on her) when I mastered it. By the time I was 7 my dad asked for massages. I am thankful she taught it to me when little as she died when I was 9. Arthritis doesn’t allow me to do much massage anymore. She was a great cook. I loved her very much missing her still.
How nice for you that you have strong cultural heritages. It doesn’t take long for someone who loves us to make a significant impact on our life.
My grandmother and I used to paint together.
What kind of painting did you do?
Linda Joyce
My grandma cooked great foods! She was so kind to everyone.
What kinds of foods were your favorites?
Linda Joyce
I never really knew my grandmother, but I’d say she had positive impact on my life. She made sure that all of her daughters went to college and got a degree in education. She said they didn’t have to become teachers, but she wanted them to have that degree so they’d have better lives than she’ led. Because of this my mom met my dad at college. My parents followed her example and made sure we all went to college.
She did give you wonderful gift: a legacy of education. So very important.
Linda Joyce
My grandma was a force to reckon with, she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind.
Strong women raise strong children.
Linda Joyce
I had a hard time finding where to give my comment. Your poem is very touching and reminds me of the times my mom would sit with me and reminisce of her past and us when we were children. Only Grandmother on my father’s side spoke only Spanish. My only reply in Spanish was I don’t understand but that still is a memory I won’t forget.
I’m glad you found the right place to leave a comment. I’m sorry about any difficulties.
One of my grandmothers only spoke Japanese.
Linda Joyce
My grandmother was my rock… she showed me I was stronger than I ever thought I was… the best support system I could have ever needed growing up.
How wonderful that you had such a strong supportive rolemodel.
Linda Joyce
I wish I had spent more time getting to know my Grandmothers. I loved her beautiful singing voice & homemade bread.
I wonder if we can ever truly know our grandmothers. They had lives and experiences, way before we were born, that shaped them. I’ve never met one yet that didn’t have wonderful stories to share.
Linda Joyce
I loved both my Grandmothers they were always there for me to talk with and help me when I needed . I remember the first gift i was given when I was child Grandmom Cook gave me a Barbie head that you could do its hair and Grandama Fell gave me a hand made sweater.
Also Grandma Fell made some clothes for my barbie dolls 🙂
What a sweet memory! I learned how to sew watching my mom make Barbie clothes.
Linda Joyce
I spent every summer with my Grandparents in Colorado. I loved every minute of my time there since they were loving and caring people.
My Grandmother only went to the 8th grade but she was very wise. One of the things she used to say was to wake up with a smile on your face and you will have a good day. I have tried to do that and it really helps.
Your grandmother had great wisdom. My husband’s grandmother never got past the 8th grade either. She, too, was very wise. And she told my husband when he was a child, “You can get glad in the same pants you got mad.”
Thank goodness for Grandmothers!
Linda Joyce