Just in June…story and giveaway
June 3, 2021

The June Giveaway is the Fleur de Lis Pillow. I always love finding some unique giveaway related to my writing because it makes a special connection between us. For June, something for decoration. Something for back support when you read. Something to hold in your lap and rest your book/eReader on as you read. How can you win? 

The secret: Sign up for my newsletter, right her at my website! HERE

The instructions on how to win the June Giveaway (there will be lagniappe included) will be in the newsletter. Be sure to sign up at my website for the newsletter and also, make sure you’re following this blog. 

The June newsletter will come out Saturday!

All my best, 

Linda Joyce  


  1. Toni Holcomb

    I only have a few memories of my grandma Collins. She would hold me on her lap and feed me an apple that she had scraped with a spoon . She would bounce me on her knee and kiss my cheek.

    • Linda Joyce

      A very sweet memory you have about your grandmother.

      Linda Joyce

  2. Susan Brooks

    I only met my grandmother twice during her lifetime. Once when she traveled from Germany to Georgia when I was a young girl; and also when I was a senior in high school at the age of 17. It was a wonderful Adventure and although there was a language barrier between us oh, it did not affect our relationship one bit. Love conquered any obstacle! My oma never forgot holidays, or our birthdays. I admired her strength and Devotion to her family. She overcame so many challenges; a widow at 38 , she raised her 3 children to be frugal, independent, industrious, and faithful. Sadly, Oma passed away at age 91. I was in Hallmark picking out Mother’s Day cards when the full weight of losing her came in waves of grief & tears. I miss her everyday.
    My mantra is from the Bible, “I can do all things thru Christ, who strengthens me.”

    • Linda Joyce

      Thank you for sharing your wonderful tribute about your Oma.

      Linda Joyce

  3. Connie Fischer

    My grandmother was a total love. My widowed mother had to work so it was great to have our grandparents across the street to keep an eye on us in the summertime. She ended up bedridden with arthritis but was always smiling. When I was learning to read, I would sit in a chair next to her and laboriously read my books to her with a gentle proper pronunciation correction coming from her here and there. She was so patient with me and I loved nothing more than to be entrusted with a book from school so I could hurry home and read it to her. As time went on, our grandparents moved in with us. When I married and brought my babies home to her, she was so happy. I loved this woman so much and even as a child, I never minded changing and cleaning out her bedpan. I honestly feel that her patience with me and my growing love of reading planted the seed for the reader and reviewer that I am today. I look forward to seeing her again one day.

    • Linda Joyce

      What joy you must have brought to your grandmother. Often, as children, we absorb what we’re taught without even realizing it. You’re an angel.

      Linda Joyce

  4. Christina Boronkas

    My grandmother basically raised me, so she was a huge driving force in my life. She taught me alot of what i know, and always wanted the best for me. She was always proud of me and one of my biggest cheerleaders. When she passed it was very hard for me, to lose that driving force in my life.

    • Linda Joyce

      My deepest condolences on the loss of your grandmother. I can only imagine the sense of loss from her absence.

      Linda Joyce

  5. Kay Hoffman

    My grandmother on my Japanese side used to come stay with us when we lived in Japan.
    I remember her always having Juicey Fruit gum. She spoke no English,but I spoke Japanese. I loved her so much.
    I was probably around 4 years old. We moved to the states when I was seven. And, I didn’t see my grandma until I was around 10 .
    We lived on Okinawa then and flew to Japan to see my grandma. I missed sleeping with her on the futons on the floor in her room.
    I never forgot the lavender scent of her kimonos. I never saw her wear western clothes in person,although later in life saw some pictures of her in western clothes.
    Her name was Haruo Hasegawa. She was my Obachan. I miss her….

    • Linda Joyce

      Thank you for sharing. As you know, one of my grandmothers was Japanese, too. We share similar experiences.

      Linda Joyce

  6. Lori R

    My Nana loved to play board games with us. I have such wonderful memories of her.

    • Linda Joyce

      Board games! Fun! I always begged mine to play with me… instead, she did teach me to cook.

      Linda Joyce

  7. Audrey Stewart

    My grandma was very quirky. She would stay up all night and do housework. I would wake up in the midle of the night and she would be vacuuming with a long cigerette holder hanging from her mouth. She also only cleaned in her bra and underwear. She would always ask us if she smelled like an old person. She would only drive a Thunderbird. I loved her very much.

    • Linda Joyce

      YOU have a grandmother who deserves to be a character in a book. How fun!

      Linda Joyce

  8. Mary Preston

    My paternal grandmother was such a sweet, gentle soul. She raised my father to be a true gentleman.

    • Linda Joyce


      A mother’s influence is a family legacy. It’s wonderful she imparted character to your dad.

      Linda Joyce

  9. Grace Kelly

    My great-grandmother taught me how to read and play piano. She also used to make me peanut butter/honey corn flake bars every day, which I just recently learned how to make myself.

    • Linda Joyce

      Do you have a favorite song or piece of music you always play that your grandmother taught you?

      Linda Joyce

  10. Anne Marie Carter

    I only met my grandmother’s one time when I was very young so, I really don’t remember much about them. I was very close to my great-aunt who was the sister of my grandmother who lived in Denmark. One of my first memories of my great-aunt was her teaching me how to do a summersault when she was probably 65 years old. We had many years together and we even when to Denmark together when she turned 80 to celebrate her birthday with her family.

    • Linda Joyce

      Anne Marie,
      What wonderful memories! I’ll bet you had a fabulous time in Denmark. Thank you for sharing.

      Linda Joyce

  11. Sandy

    What I remember most about my grand mother, my father’s mom was how supportive she was of all of her grandkids. Because of her, my dad showed up at my wedding in Montana to give me away. You see, my grandmother had just had her at surgery and my dad did not want to leave her in New York because he was afraid something was going to happen to her. My grandmother, Abuela Gloria, looked my dad in the eye and said, “I do not plan on leaving this earth any time soon and Sandy will probably be the only one of your girls who will get married in a church, so you need to be there for her!” She wanted to make my day special by ensuring he showed up. I am lucky she did because I have pictures with my dad on my special day. Having lost both of them, I have these special memories to remember always. She was my rock!

    • Linda Joyce

      Your photos are truly treasures. Your father–he was between a rock and a hard place–came through for you because he had a strong mother. What a wonderful legacy.

      Linda Joyce

  12. Kari

    I will never forget the one on one time we spent together as she taught me to crochet

    • Linda Joyce

      Do you still crochet?

      Linda Joyce

  13. Maggie Jensen

    My grandma took care of me and my siblings, and she was so much fun. The absolute best thing ever about my grandma is she was my biggest fan and I learned how to be the best person and wife and mother I can be. I still will think of something that my son does and I will pick up the phone to call her. I tell my husband that my grandma would love him for the simple reason that he loves me.

    • Linda Joyce

      Having a strong loving influence in your life, like your grandmother, is what family legacies are all about. Those traits of love and caring help shape not just your family, but give the world strong compassionate people.

      Linda Joyce

  14. Leslie Hagen

    Baking apple pies with her.

    • Linda Joyce

      Do you have a favorite apple to use?

      Linda Joyce

  15. JS

    Loved my Gram was an unstoppable force of good.

    • Linda Joyce


      What a wonderful positive statement.

      Linda Joyce

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