LETTERS from Linda for April with the Kindle Fire Giveaway
April 5, 2018

Awesome April!

It’s here!

And the GIVEAWAY you’ve been waiting for. I’m so excited to give away this Kindle Fire.

Follow the instructions in my newsletter on how to enter to win.

(And if you’re not signed up for my newsletter–its the only place you can find out how to enter, then please click over to the newsletter tab on my website and Sign Up NOW!)

Can’t wait to read your comments!

Happy Reading,

Linda Joyce

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Twitter: @LJWriter  https://twitter.com/LJWriter



  1. kim charlton

    I love the Bayou series covers…seems to carry me away somewhere else. And if i HAVE to pick my least favorite…Behind the Mask..only because it doesn’t seem to fit in with your other books. Thanks so much for this giveaway chance!!

  2. Shirley Cochran

    My favorite is either Behind the Mask or Love Around the Table just because of the colors.

    My least favorite is Katrina Memories just because it was such a horrible situation, not because it does not reflect the situation.

    Thanks for the chance!

  3. Linda Fast

    Bayou Bound, Book 2 is my favourite, I live the trees in the swamp because it is eerily beautiful. I have always want to visit a bayou and I think living in one or on the edge of one would be so cool. I live on Lake Erie and the beach is fantastic but it does not have the wildlife ( just seagulls) that the bayou offers.

  4. Susan W

    I love the cover of Bayou Born! The water is absolutely beautiful. The sand & the trees look inviting! I really don’t like the cover of Bayou Bound so much. It looks desolate & haunting. A little scary.

  5. Susan Mullaney

    My favorite cover is Bayou Born because I like the water and trees, it looks really peaceful. My least favorite would probably be Christmas Bells because it looks rather busy.

  6. Erica Smith

    Bayou Bound is my favorite, the colors draw me in. Katrina Memories is my least favorite simply because it saddens me.

  7. Susan P

    Love Around the Table’s color just pops and looks inviting, but Bayou Brides is sweet and simple and yet so beautiful with the grass as background that it calls to me. I have to admit that the close up of the lips on Bayou Bound keeps jumping out at me wrong and I’m not sure I like them there or that close. LOL

  8. Carole Swinford

    It us hard ti pick just one. I like yhem all. I love the Behind the Mask cover because of the colors and symbols of Mardi Gras. It just looks fun and I am drawn to it. All of the Brides books are beautiful because of the flowers. I guess my least favorite is Christmas Bells because it seems too busy.

    • Carole Swinford

      The time of the morning is my excuse for all the typos. Need a good editor.

  9. Nikolina Vukelic

    I think LOVE AROUND THE TABLE has the best cover – it appeals to me the most. Though I don’t find any cover bad, if I have to pick one, I’d say I like BEHIND THE MASK the least – don’t know why, it just doesn’t attract my eye…

  10. Tashia Jennings

    I am drawn the most to Bayou Beckons. When I look at it, it speaks of mystery and suspense with a hint of danger but packed with passion and romance! While Love Around the Table would be my last pick. The cover to me seems “average” or “common”. Doesn’t appeal to me. It doesn’t stand up and shout “read me”.
    Thank you for this wonderful chance!

  11. Mary Preston

    My Favorite
    BILOXI – FLEUR DE LIS BRIDES: BOOK 2; the soft tones of the beautiful, bridal bouquet immediately draw the eye. I LOVE the bright purple lettering. Not just because purple is my favorite color, but because once again this catches my attention.

    Least Favorite
    BAYOU BORN – FLEUR DE LIS SERIES: BOOK 1; there is very little happening on this cover. At first glance I did not even notice the kissing couple up in the corner. The text is ordinary and nothing special.

  12. Colleen C.

    My favorite cover is Branna… the cover is beautiful and the colors pop!
    My least favorite is Bayou Brides… the cover does not really blend in well with the others in the series.

  13. Lori Byrd

    My favorite is Katrina memories because it was such a horrible time. I have family in New Orleans that lost everything and some who didn’t, but my heart was always in New Orleans. We haven’t had a family reunion since. My least favorite, and I thought of this long and hard. I don’t have one. I honestly love them all!

  14. Cassandra D

    I like the Christmas Bells cover the most,because his hand is covering her eyes and her expression is priceless and I wonder what surprise will be, basically I am happy for her. I like the Katrina Memories: Stories from survivor the least,because I look at it and get sad, while the branch is barely hanging on to the tree.

  15. Katrina Dehart

    My fav is Bayou Bound. I love the setting! It’s just a beautiful picture!
    My least favorite is Her Hearts Desire. It just reminds me of the covers of so many other books.

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