Letters from Linda September Together newsletter
September 3, 2017


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Good Luck!

Linda Joyce

@LJWriter on Twitter 

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  1. yaritza

    I would have a wonderful Paris theme wedding with purple table cloths and lots of bling. I am not married yet but hope my vision comes true.

    • Linda Joyce


      I hope your dream comes true, too. I’ve never been to Paris. Invite me?


  2. Cynthia St. Germain

    My dream wedding would be in a small Catholic Church with all my family and friends there. Having my friend who is a priest afficiate and have a wonderful outside reception.

  3. Joye Isley

    My dream wedding would be a small intimate one with family and friends. Nothing splashy-just simple and non-flashy. I think it should be about the couple and their vows and not about all of the bells and whistles and the “mine-is-fancier-than-yours” like some I have attended lately.

    • Linda Joyce


      What a lovely thought. I had a small wedding. In fact, I made my wedding gown.


  4. jeri dickinson

    My dream wedding has always been on a beach barefoot

    • Linda Joyce

      I think that would be mine choice now, too. Our old boy, Beau, could be the ring bearer. We’d have a great fire pit in the sand and roast a bunch of seafood. Now, I’m hungry.

  5. Jodi W

    I have been divorced over 23yrs. just did the jp back then. Been with current bf 19 yrs and relationship is great. I feel that it is like we are already married.

    • Linda Joyce

      I think whatever works is the way to go. Congrats on 19 years! That’s wonderful.

  6. Bonnie Collins

    We had both been married twice before and wanted to have a church wedding because it meant in the eyes of God. So we went to the little church with our 2 best friends and with tears in his eyes he said ‘ I’ve waited for you for forever baby girl’. We have been married 10 years and plan to renew, with vows this time, on top of the mountain where both of mothers that are in heaven can see us. He still says Good Morning Angel every morning.

    • Linda Joyce

      Your story melted my heart. Congrats!

      • Bonnie Collins

        Thank you!

  7. Teresa Williams

    I got married at the courthouse.When they ask him would he take me as his wife he said I will three times and afterward my mom told me I was still a Kelley .I was 15 and we’ve been married 44 years this past august.I would love to have a country wedding outside

    • Linda Joyce

      Congrats on 44 years! That’s wonderful. Sometime, I’d love to know more about what it was like to get married at 15. I did have a friend, she was a minister’s wife, who married at 15. She was kind and compassionate. Very sweet to me.

  8. Suzanne Taylor

    If we could have our dream wedding now, it would be a very simple ceremony in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We absolutely adore the Bodie Island Lighthouse and that would be a wonderful location for an outdoor ceremony.

    • Linda Joyce

      How romantic! I’ve been to many places in NC, but I haven’t made it to the Outer Banks, yet. Someday. I love lighthouses. The history and the mystic.
      Linda Joyce

  9. Linda Rimer-Como

    My favorite memory from my wedding was having my mother standing beside me as my matron of honor.

    • Linda Joyce

      Oh… based on your memory, you are going to love my work in progress “Secrets Between Friends” when it comes out. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Cindy Werner

    My dream wedding would be no wedding at all. Been there, done that. My favorite part of me wedding was at the reception when we danced to “The Search is Over” by Survivor. Unfortunately, the marriage didn’t last but the search is still over because I will never get married again.

    • Linda Joyce

      You’ve got to do what your heart and your gut tell you. I don’t think marriage is for everyone. As long as you’re happy, that’s what matters.
      Linda Joyce

  11. Cheryl Nichols

    Ideal wedding ? I think I would like to do a stary nights
    theme . Real romantic with lights and deep ocean blue themes . Maybe a seaside bunglo .

    • Linda Joyce

      I Soooo wanted to do a vow-renewal ceremony. I LOVE wedding dresses. But sadly, I’m too practical to spend that kind of money on a dress. However, I’m always up for a party. As we say in New Orleans: laissez le bon temps rouler — Let the good times roll!

  12. Moira McSpadden

    My dream wedding would be one that is small and intimate with just family and close friends.

    • Linda Joyce

      Your dream wedding sounds cozy. Very personal. Just as it should be.

  13. Jackie Wisherd

    I think a dream wedding would be one held out of doors at a special place near the beach or on a grassy area…anyplace outside in nature.

    • Linda Joyce

      There are sooo many wonderful locations. I just got back from a few days at the beach. I would have mine there. And I would have General Beauregard, our 4-legged boy as the ring bearer.

  14. Shelia Hall

    my favorite memory from my wedding is the hug my dad gave me at the altar with tears running down his cheeks!

    • Linda Joyce

      Thank you for sharing. It made me want to hug you and your dad.

  15. Debra Shutters

    I got your newsletter saw the photo but I do not know what to do in the comments?

    • Linda Joyce

      The newsletter came out today. It has all the instructions.


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