Letters from Linda September Together newsletter
September 3, 2017


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Linda Joyce

@LJWriter on Twitter 

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  1. Millie Swank

    Mine favorite memory is our father-daughter dance. Daddy leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and told me he loved me. I always knew he loved me but this was the first time he used words to say it. It would be almost 16 years later before he would say it again and at that time he because saying it all the time. I would do anything to be able to hear it one more time. I don’t plan on ever marrying again. It wasn’t good the first time around but if I did it would be small and I would go to Ireland afterward. Thank you for the chance. Good Luck everyone!

    • Linda Joyce


      What a wonderful memory. Hugs. And I so want to go to Ireland. Who needs a honeymoon for that! Someday, a girls’ trip!


  2. Pernette Wells

    I would definitely have a beach wedding. But not in swimming attire. LOL. I would have Carolina Beach music playing and would have some Creole and Southern dishes for the reception dinner. I guess it would be a mish-mash of all of my favorite things,

    • Linda Joyce


      Your plans sound PERFECT!

      Linda Joyce

  3. Kathy Church

    Well, considering I’m 57 and just celebrated our 33rd anniversary I don’t really think about dream weddings anymore. I would opt for a very simple vow renewal with just immediate family present. And then a huge meal with friends and family.

    • Linda Joyce


      lol, age and how many years married are a barrier. I think we need to start a tradition of vow renewals every 5 years. And once someone had reached 30 anniversaries, they deserve one every year. 🙂


  4. Kari

    My favorite moment at our wedding was when the priest said you could kiss the bride and my new husband just give me a little peck and everyone gave him a hard time. It was quite funny!

    • Linda Joyce


      That’s a very sweet memory.

  5. LeAnn Abernathy

    I married almost 34 years ago…so the usual church wedding, reception in fellowship hall with cake, nuts, mints. My whole wedding probably cost less than most wedding dresses today. If I could plan a wedding it would be on a beach somewhere…maybe Hawaii!!!

    • Linda Joyce


      My mom gave me a hard time about the budget for my wedding–which was about $3000. And then fast forward a few years, one of my cousins spent $100,000 on their wedding.


  6. Tara Brown

    My most favorite moment of my wedding was when I also said my vows to my husband’s young son, who became my step-son. 🙂

    • Linda Joyce


      You melted my heart. How very sweet.


  7. Lori Byrd

    Well I am getting married in October and we aren’t doing anything special. But if I was going to, I would love to rent an island and fly in my closest friends and family and have a big party all week!

    • Linda Joyce


      Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Tell me more. When? Where? Just that fact that you’re taking a very important step with someone you love is very special.

      Linda Joyce

      • lori byrd


        We have been together for 30 years and engaged for 20 of those. LOL. His health is not so great so we decided to go to a justice of the peace in Oct. He at least will have health benefits if he needs them. Nothing spectacular. My kids want to have a family and friends get together afterwards. They are planning that.

  8. Melanie Rosen

    The favorite part of my wedding was not that after the part where we were asked to kneel on the alter and when it was time for us to stand up again I couldn’t because my groom was standing on my wedding dress. I tried to tell him that he was standing on my dress and it took about 3 times before he figured it out. That was probably my cue to run but I didn’t. We’ve been married for 39 years and he’s still a bit oblivious at times.

  9. Rose Foster

    I think that I would love a bigger wedding with the dress and all, I went to the justice of peace and just wore a nice dress, I have been married for 43 years,

  10. Chanda curry

    My fav memory from this west is my now deceased father in law, walking me down the aisle to his son. My father was a monster. Gene will always be the best dad in the 8 years I had him as one!

    • Linda Joyce


      A lovely memory to have a man who indeed a “father” to you walk you down the aisle.

      Linda Joyce

  11. Shirley Cochran

    At our wedding the priest said “Mitch and Sally have come here today!” Of course, my name isShirley. It ended up that he was helping a couple named Mitch and Sally adopt a child from Latin America and they had helped him put together the precana day agenda so it just came out that way. My uncle in law who was known as the family jokester called me Sally for years after!

    • Linda Joyce


      Well, I guess it wasn’t too funny in the moment, and I’m sure you’ve forgiven that poor priest. 🙂 However, sometimes the oddest or the funniest moments make the best memories.


  12. Valerie Rogers

    My dream wedding would be on a beach in Hawaii at sunset. I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii.
    Thanks for the chance!

    • Linda Joyce

      I want to go to Hawaii, too.

  13. Victoria Kondovski

    My dream wedding would be on a beach with only close family and friends.

    • Linda Joyce


      The beach is clearly a very popular dream location…do you have a specific beach in mind? East Coast? Gulf? West Coast? Hawaii?


  14. Patricia B. Hawes

    Been married for 45 years. Guess,if I could do it over,I’d like to be married in Ireland. Everything was special to me,not just one thing. How about you? What would be your dream wedding?

    • Linda Joyce


      Congrats on 45 years! That’s awesome! Advice on what makes a marriage work?

      You’re going to think I’m awful. My focus wasn’t on the wedding. That was done to satisfy family–long story about that. What I loved was the two week honeymoon. We only had a reservation for our wedding night. After that, we just drove through the mountains of GA and NC and stopped when we wanted. Stayed where we wanted. Everything was very economical and we had the best time.


  15. Debra Shutters

    My dream wedding would be small family affair like I had when I got married.
    The most special moment in my wedding was before when I did my Grand mom’s hair before getting ready myself because I got to talk with her and find things out that I didn’t know.

    • Linda Joyce


      What a precious memory. Very heartfelt.


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