Hope your October is going great! If it’s not as good as you’d like it to be, maybe I can help. LOOK at the wonderful giveaway I’ve got for you!
If you’re a newsletter subscriber–love you!–you know what to do.
The newsletter will be published on Friday, October 18th. I apologize for being late, but things have been HAPPENING!
If you’re not a subscriber, then flip over to the Newsletter tab and sign up. Each month in the newsletter are the “how-to-win” instructions.
In the newsletter I include glimpses into other things besides books, sometimes I’ll add a chapter from a story, sometimes I’ll include a recipe–I even came up with an original one that I’ll share next month.
Below is the October giveaway gift.
and below that, you’ll find what’s coming in November and December, so sign up now!
P.S. Bayou Born, Bayou Bound, and Bayou Beckons are RONE Award Finalists. Bayou Beckons also received BEST in WOMEN’S Fiction from Authors on the Air.
Fleur de Lis Brides is an anthology of the wedding stories of the couples you meet in Bayou Born, Bayou Bound, and Bayou Beckons. These stories will take you from the bayou to the sunny skies of Florida all the way to the summertime in Wyoming. You won’t want to miss meeting Branna and James, Biloxi and Nick, and Camilla and Jared.

I love Autumn: cooler temperatures, fall colors & Halloween! I would love to win your awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance.
I, too, love fall. It’s so calming.
Fall for me means that I can pull out my comfy sweaters and get ready for my favorite time of the year, Christmas.
Jenna K,
When do you start decorating for Christmas?
Linda Joyce
Fall to me means crispy cool weather, chunky boots, scarves and long-sleeved tops, skirts with tights or leggings, leaves changing colors, & most importantly, Dia do los Muertos! I live in New Mexico, & this Mexican holiday is as popular as Halloween. I love it because it’s not about horror, gore, or fear (or spiders *shudder*), but about family & celebrating lost loved ones. I’m not Mexican, so I don’t go all out, but I like to remember my parents & friends who’ve passed away, & celebrate their life. And watch the movie Coco. 🙂
Joy Shelden,
What a wonderful way to embrace diversity and the culture surrounding you. When I lived in Japan, our neighbors were from Texas and part Spanish and Mexican. We had THE best year with American, Mexican, and Japanese celebrations. Live is to be lived.
I usually wear my boots and make different pumpkin recipes. I like Fall, because I like the colorful leaves that fall on the ground and the smell of hot chocolate and pumpkin.
You paint a beautiful picture with words of what Fall is like.
I still have my sandals and boots out. My shorts and sweats, too. Our weather has been up and down. I’ve already made chili and pot roast. Both were so good. I don’t do anything different in October other than read and watch more movies.
Chili and pot roast sound yummy! I’ve put my sandals away…I rarely wear short–I get the creeps whenever I’m outside and something touches my legs. LOL
Linda Joyce
So glad we will be able to read the stories from the Jubilee book series. Or I should say your stories. Looking forward to reading them.
Thank you for always supporting me. It means a lot. And soon, very soon, I’ll have the book ready.
Fall means the return of soup weather. I love a good soup or stew. It also heralds the return of the much loved Apple Dapple cake. Yummy goodness that begs for a cup of coffee and crisp morning on the porch to enjoy it.
I am so excited about the new cozy mystery series! I can’t wait for the adventures to begin. I am also excited for the anthology stories to be expanded and combined. It looks like great things are ahead.
I love one-pot meals, too. Apple pie is my favorite dessert. I learned on Good Eats from Alton Brown that Apples are not native to North America. Surprise. Surprise
“Apples aren’t American. Colonists in North America found only crab apple trees. The most likely ancestor of apples can still be found in Asia: the wild genus Malus sieversii. It’s believed that Alexander the Great discovered dwarfed apples in Kazakhstan and brought them to Macedonia in 328 BC. There is fossilized evidence of apples as far back as the Iron and Stone Ages in Switzerland and other parts of Europe. Then probably Romans introduced apples to England, and then American colonists started spreading seeds in the New World.” http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2013/07/apple-pie-isnt-really-american/
Linda Joyce
Fall is always such a relief to me because of the cooler weather. I can’t be in the sun because of having vitiligo over 90% of my body, so fall is my favorite weather. I have a summer closet and a winter closet, so I don’t need to pack up any clothes. I love to start making my homemade soups at this time of year also. I’m famous with my family for my traditional homemade orange chicken noodle soup on Halloween with homemade bread and homemade caramel apples and hot cider with cinnamon sticks. I can’t wait.
Lori Byrd Johannes,
You have some hot summers where you are…and I’m so envious– a winter AND a summer closet. AMAZING! That’ll go on my “next house” list. 🙂
Sooo… how do I get an invite to your house on Halloween. 🙂
I love fall and how pretty the trees are. In October I do switch out the clothes in my closet and pack up my summer clothes and sandals . Tomorrow our church group is having a potluck dinner followed by a hayride. I can’t wait!
Lori R.,
I love the old fashion Halloweens. Hay rides. Decorations. Before the gore and zombies and “scare you to death” haunted houses. I love fall fairs, but haven’t been to one in many years. Maybe I can find one this weekend?
Fall means to cooler temps and brush fires from Santa Ana winds because I live in Southern California,No I don’t swap summer clothes for winter ones because I get hot flashes from menopause,no I don’t put away my sandals because they are more comfortable to wear while I recover from my broken right ankle that I broke in 2 places. I eat soup or beef stew .The only thing I do differently in October is worry about the brush fires that are caused by the Santa Ana winds.
I hope your ankle is healing nicely. I watch with pain and horror about the brush fires. Growing up, my husband (he lived in Florida) had two different houses burn to the ground. I can understand the worry and the anxiety of fires.
I’ve switched to my cozy pjs and my heavy robe. I’ve pulled out my thick blankets and turned on the heat! Only last week it was 90 degrees!! Now it is down to freezing temps at night!
Cozy pjs–flannel? They make some really pretty ones these days. The yo-yo of temperatures is my least desire thing about fall.
Yes, autumn is the time to think about hot soups and woolly jumpers.
Mary Preston,
Do you REALLY have a woolly jumper? lol does it make you itch? I agree, hot soups and warmer clothes, but I’m not sold on the woolly part.
What an awesome giveaway. I like to get organized in the fall as Christmas is a big deal in our family and I always use that time to declutter.
When you say “declutter” how indepth does that go? Are you a Marie Kondo fan? I need some serious work on “letting go.” I have too much emotional attachment to some “things.”
Fall is all about comfort. It means that I sleep better. No more noisy fans. And I love the feeling of a cozy comforter in a cold room. And layering up is so much an easier way to reach ones optimum temperature. And let’s not forget indulging in comfort foods.
Sue A.,
You paint an inviting scene with words. Very nicely done.
Since where i live does not really get cold here in Gulfport Mississippi, till around January so fall means to me some times we get cooler weather, I don’t celebrate Halloween, so my routine does not change much. Thanks for the chance in this months giveaway 🙂
I love the Gulf Coast in the fall. I was hoping to get down your way this fall…but maybe for a few days in December.