September SURPRISE for you!
September 5, 2018

September SURPRISE for you!

This is the picture from my newsletter where you’ll surprise me with your comment. Why is this giveaway SURPRISE? Because I don’t know what’s going to be in the box. It will be filled with books and SWAG and stuff I get at Penned Con while I’m there later this month. So this month, the giveaway is a Surprise for you and for me! I love good surprises, don’t you?

If you’re a newsletter subscriber, then you know what to do in the comments. And Good Luck! You could be the lucky winner!

If you’re not a newsletter subscriber and want to be, please sign up for my newsletter on the newsletter tab here at my website.

Happy Reading!

(And the September newsletter will publish later today. Stay tuned!)

Linda Joyce


  1. Cynthia St. Germain

    I love the chance at a surprise box. Thank you for a chance.

    • Linda Joyce


      I want you to give this another go…there’s something you need to tell me in your comment in order for you to be entered to win.

      Linda Joyce

  2. Jo Ann Hunter

    I love whispering Falls in Tonya Kappes book series for June Heal. It’s such a magical place.

    • Linda Joyce

      Jo Ann,
      Hi! Have you had the opportunity to meet Tanya?
      Thanks for sharing your favorite place.

      Linda Joyce

  3. Tina Myers

    Willy Wonka’s Factory. The Chocolate give me more. My grandchildren and I both like . Whoville from Dr. Seuss books.

    • Linda Joyce


      Great answers! I love Willy Wonka and also, James and the Giant Peach.

  4. Glena Roller

    Hogwarts is one of my favorite fictional places.

    • Linda Joyce


      Great answer! Thanks for sharing.


  5. Helen Picone

    Favorite fictional place is Pern

    • Linda Joyce


      And where will I find Pern? In the pages of which book?


  6. Cheryl Nichols

    Love surprises ! How exciting . Looking forward to it .

    • Linda Joyce


      Let’s give this another go. 🙂 In order to be entered to win, the newsletter is very specific about what info you need to share here. Try again?


  7. Jodi W

    I like places i know in stories, especially an author that has stories that take place in my homtown and other cities and towns around me.

    • Linda Joyce


      Have you read any of my books? Some of the places are real… Like Picayune, LA or Slidell, LA or even New Orleans or Cody, WY in Bayou Beckons, but there are also fictional places… In order to be entered to win, please check the newsletter instructions, and I’ll be you’ve read a book that fits the bill for a comment here.

      Linda Joyce

  8. Joy I

    Great idea to surprise me, hopefully, a book that I have yet to read.

  9. Mary Preston

    The Shire from Tolkien’s books. I plan on visiting Hobbiton one day.

    • Linda Joyce


      Great answer!
      Thanks for being a loyal subscriber.


  10. Jennifer Muise

    Munchkinland in The Wizard of Oz without the Wicked Witch of course lol

    • Linda Joyce


      I found Munchkiland as terrifying as the Twilight Zone episode with the Gremlin on the plane wing. Ohhh… scary stuff!


  11. Debra Shutters

    I love surprises and thanks for the chance in the giveaway 🙂

    • Debra Shutters

      FICTIONAL place in a book. Whats the name of the book and the fictional place? Don’t have one that I can remember

      • Linda Joyce

        Debra, Debra, Debra…
        Surely with all the reading you do, there’s got to be one. Check out my books, most of the places are fictionally created. 🙂

        Linda Joyce

  12. Kathy Osborn

    Sorry I will miss you this year as too many Drs appts for hubby. I love surprises and your books.
    Have fun and maybe next. I can come.

  13. Pernette Wells

    I love surprises! I love to win contests. I love our books! Hope you have fun at PenCon

    • Pernette Wells

      YOUR books. I am having keyboard problems. Yikes!

    • Linda Joyce

      My books. Thank you! <3.
      Thanks for being such a great supporter. It means a lot.


  14. Sarah H.

    I love surprises!! Especially when it comes to book!!! Thank you for the chance.

  15. Rebecca Booth

    I love Surprises, and books included! Nothing could be better! Have fun at Penned Con!

    • Linda Joyce


      Hi! So to be entered to win the September Surprise, I need a bit more info from you. Please revisit the newsletter and then return here to finish your entry to win.



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