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Linda Joyce
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I absolutely loved reading these stories. I know this has ended but I am going to add mine in anyway. I was 13 when my father passed away. He had pancreatic cancer. He had a rocking chair he always sat in and one morning I woke up and walked out of the bedroom to see him sitting in the chair. I was overwhelmed to say the least. I stood there looking and said Daddy? and just like that he was gone. I also had several instances when I was playing ball with my friends and I saw him driving his car into the road at the time he would be coming home from work except this day he was coming from the opposite direction. I forgot he was gone and started to run toward the car only to realize he wasn’t there, my knees buckled and I went down. How do you explain that to kids you are playing with. They didn’t understand. but how could they, they didn’t just lose their father.
Then when my mom passed in 2001 my sister and I got together for Christmas dinner at my older sisters house. as we arrive I look down her driveway to see my mom standing there in her blue jacket, the one my younger sister gave to me smoking a cigarette, I went omg shes smoking a cigarette. I had to laugh at that because she had alzheimer’s and parkinson’s disease and copd. She hadn’t had a cigarette for years before she went into the nursing home. I guess now that she was gone she didn’t have to worry about her lungs anymore and decided on that cigarette. lol I really thought that was funny. I also had to wonder if she was hanging around to make sure we were behaving ourselves. LOL It’s very hard to lose someone you love so much and I was only and hour away from her but hardly ever got to see her because I had a very selfish husband whose main concern was himself. It has been 10 years as of Oct. 20 that he has been gone. He also passed from Cancer. I also know when my mom is around as she passed on 11/11 and I see that time on my clocks all the time. So I just say hello mom I love you. I know she is watching over me.
Thank you for sharing your very touching and personal stories. I find “seeing” and connecting with those who’ve passed very comforting–after the first time it happened to me, then, I was scared silly.
Thank you Linda for all the love you put into your stories, I do so love them all. Wishing you the best , Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Even though my Mom passed away almost 18 years ago I still talk to her when I have a difficult decision and it helps me decide what I should do.
That warms my heart. <3
Sometimes, I just know things. Nothing sensational.
I find it comforting when I “just know.”
I could write a whole book on this subject. I’ve lived in five different haunted houses and have done investigations of other places. I usually give one of my more frightful experiences, but I believe I’ll share a positive one for a change.
I had this friend who bought a farm. She was having scary paranormal events going on. She didn’t know what to do about it. She had me come over one day to do a cleansing ritual, calling upon angels to come surround the property. We sat across from each on the floor in a dark room with just a white candle between us. We held hands and she started a prayer and called forth the angels to come and bless her property. At first I had my eyes closed, but I felt a shift of energy in the room. Where there had been heaviness and darkness, it now felt light, peaceful and holy. I opened my eyes to see the whole room lit up in a vanilla glow. There were hundreds of orbs dancing around all around us. Now, I have to say my friend was not a God person. She was desperate for peace from the haunting. Her and I cried from the feeling of love and peace these orbs were showering us with. I left there with such a joy that I can’t explain. Her haunting stopped.
That is AWESOME! Just awesome!
Sometimes when I walk down our long passageway at night I feel a chill. It is a very old house.
I’m guessing the energy of the “chill” means no harm since nothing untoward has happened, right?
I would like to talk over dinner with my grandmother and father.
That sounds wonderful, comforting.
When I was staying in a historic building in Williamsburg, Virginia, the shade I had pulled down on the window inched up. I thought I hadn’t locked it right so pulled it down again. When I turned back to the window, the shade had inched back up higher than before. I pulled it down again and this time watched it out of the corner of my eye slowly inch up even higher. Having to stand on tiptoes to reach it, I pulled it down again saying ‘I’ve had enough of this and it needs to stop…and it did! Later found out there was a friendly ghost who played with the shades, hid things, and unplugged things. All 3 things happened.
You got entertainment and a bed for just the price of a room. Very fun!
After my 23 year old daughter passed away, my oldest daughter and I were finally going through her things and deciding what to do with it. We were talking and crying and asking why she had to leave us. I looked up and my daughter was pale as a ghost and had just picked up this bracelet that said “I’m sorry “ on it. Still gives me chills.
My deepest condolences for the loss of your daughter. I cannot imagine losing a child. And I’m glad you had the experience. I’m certain she hears you, sees you, feels you–and your love.
Ever since I was a child I have been visited in my dreams by deceased relatives. Later I found out that my Great Grandmother had this ablility. In the beginning I thought I was losing my mind. They would give me warnings to pass along mostly or explanations on their downfall. Some appeared once, some in a series leading up to the for seen dilemma, others through my life. One time my grandmother, great aunt, and a few others appeared nightly for nine nightly as a count down with images of my aunt and trying to impress the seriousness of the situation. On the last day my Aunt died. Another example is my father. He appeared the night of his passing and many times since urging me to watch after and protect my three younger brothers. Brothers I had been raising since my mother passed when I was 13yrs old. He lectures about standing in the gap, about keeping the family together. After one of my brother’s were murdered he yelled at me over and over. He was bad at manipulation both in life and death. It is something I have had to learn to live with.
Hugs. You are very sensitive in your abilities. I took a Wisdom class and learned about setting boundaries–learning about that to keep your dad from trying to manipulate you might be helpful. I’m so very sorry about the grief–your mom, your dad, your brother. I’ve had 13 family members pass and 3 dogs in less than 9 years. I’ve learned a bit about grief. It’s a very tricky thing.
Hugs. Hugs. Hugs.
Gross–I talk to her not here
I lost two of my best friends–they were so much younger than me and it isn’t fair. Jeanette I just get mad at as we were supposed to grow old and do things together and I let her know all the time–she died in 2004. My other best friend died in 2013 and she was closer than a sister. Rose and I were together all the time–weekends, after work, on the phone and on vacations. It has been over 6 yrs and I still talk to here–especially when we are in the car–I mean when I am in the car and she talks back to me. Sigh
It’s hurts to miss someone. It’s just not the same when they’re not in the physical. I’m glad you’re able to communicate with Rose.
After my grandmother passed my husband and I bought her house. She always sat in the corner of her living room with a light behind her at 6 pm every night. Well we put a light in the same corner and every night our light would turn on at 6pm and we could smell her perfume Emerald is what she used. All good.
My brother passed away from MD when I was only 12 . He was 17 and never walked again after age six . He died in a hospital alone . I was the only child allowed at the funeral . I was so upset and worried . We then got this strange knocking on our front door and no one was ever there.
Then one night , I got my first vision while sleeping .
My brother knocks and I open the door .. he walks in .. walks .
He says – am ok sis I can walk now .
The door knocking stopped and I was not so upset any more . I would get visions or warnings most of my life .
Your story made my heart full! And gave me good goose bumps. I had a similar experience after my brother died. And now, I talk to him all the time.
Your story gave me chills–in the best way. When my Marceline story comes out, I think you might enjoy the parallels.